LADFS Change

DR without legendary attributes:
Enemy Damage Limit:

X Axis: Outgoing damage from enemy
Y Axis: Incoming damage to character


  • LADFS is legendary armor defence first star
  • Set your damage resistans, but exlude sum of Vanguard, Nocturnal, Mutant, Bolstering or Aristocrat bonus
  • Press calculate
  • You are can see how many damage you can get with various lenedary bonus and can understand that is better for your first legendary star with your set of armor, perks, mutations, e.t.c.
  • Hover mouse on graph and see how many damage you get with various set of armor and first value - this is incoming damage from enemy
  • 258 - this is unarmed damage outgoing from Super Mutant Behemoth
  • This formula from the F76.Wiki page, that is here